The Battle of Shiloh Audio Tour Instructions             More Photo Album                   Home  

Shiloh, Tennessee

March 8, 2014


When we visited the Chickamauga Battlefield in 2006, we thoroughly enjoyed listening to the CD audio tour of the landmarks and sites in the national park. So I was glad to find out that Shiloh also had a CD we could listen to while we drove around the battlefield. 

When the visitor center cashier rang up our purchase, he asked how we were with following directions? I thought he was just making conversation, since any idiot should be able to follow the park signs and instructions as the CD is playing.  "Because they've changed the tour signs out there and every time the CD tells you to proceed to the next location, it's actually a different location you need to go to." 

I'm not kidding. Tour Stop 5 is actually Tour Stop 3. And when it sends you to Marker 8, you should go to Marker 1 instead. Oh, and the audio tour is in chronological order of the battle, not the geographic layout of the park like the regular driving tour. He gave us a cheat sheet, but it added to the confusion. 

Katie and I did our best for about an hour, but then gave up and just drove through the park ourselves with the audio turned off.  It's still a beautiful and interesting place, but we didn't always know what we were seeing. But then again, maybe it was a test so we could experience some of the same frustration and lack of preparedness that the Confederate troops felt on Day 2 of the battle.