15 Minutes in West Virginia More Photo Album Home
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
May 20, 2004
In order to meet our eligibility requirements to display the West Virginia refrigerator magnet (that we bought at a hot stop in Delaware, thanks to John), we had to actually cross the state line into the Mountain State.
Harper's Ferry was just a mile or two from the border so we thought we would check it out. "That'll be $7," said the National Park Service ranger in the parking lot kiosk, "which includes parking and the Harper's Ferry bus tour for everyone in your party."
Normally that would be quite the deal but, as Joe explained to her, we were only going to be there for 15 minutes. "You see, we're only here for the magnet...." Puzzled, the ranger explained that the bus ride down the hill in to Harper's Ferry was 7 minutes each way. "You can't possibly see Harper's Ferry in 15 minutes, even if you drive there yourselves," she shook her head.
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