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Yuma, Arizona

November 24-28, 1992



A year or so ago, Grandma Margie and Grandpa Paul decided to sell their Atwater home and move to Yuma, Arizona. Marlene quickly followed and married a very nice widower she met there.

For Thanksgiving this year, we decided to head down to spend a few days with them to see their new homes and enjoy the warm weather. While there, we did a lot of sightseeing, and even crossed the border into Mexico for a few hours. Marlene told us that most of the locals go to Mexico for medical and dental services because it is so much cheaper. There was also lots of stores and restaurants to appeal to tourists.

For the record, Marlene, Margie and Paul all moved back to California within a year or so (and left the new husband behind). Not exactly sure why, other than they missed California and their friends and family.

So I'm glad we went to see them when we did.