Irees in the Backyard                                 More Photo Album             Home

Sacramento, California

May 1994



When we moved into Lakeshore, there was a raised planter between the pool and the back fence with yucca palms. It looked very tropical, which was cool, but the leaves and pods from were a mess year-round. Then, when the roots started busting through and we worried it might damage the pool, the decision was made to remove the planters and the trees.

We knew Joe would have to build a new redwood fence, and we'd planned to get a new concrete deck poured on that back side. But what we didn't expect was how much dirt would go into the pool from the planter.

The pool vacuum was useful because the dirt immediately clogged the pump and filter. We scooped what we could with a net and bucket. But finally had to use a shop vac with a long hose - and just hope that we didn't electrocute ourselves.