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San Luis Reservoir, California

February 26, 2010



On the way back from a speaking engagement in Salinas, I stopped at the Romero Visitor's Center, a state water project venue at San Luis Reservoir near Santa Nella. Howard has run the place for decades, and he knows more than just about anyone else about the dam, the reservoir and Central Valley water issues.

The visitors center - whether intended or not - is a step back in time. Howard was very anxious for me to watch the nine minute newsreel video of the day that JFK came to the site in the early 1960s for the groundbreaking. The president triggered the dynamite blast for the hole that would become the new reservoir and dam. He (Howard, not JFK) escorted me into the dark paneled movie theater and I took my place on a sleek turquoise blue naugahyde chair. Howard also had some great black and white still shots of the President's during the visit that a press photographer gave him, and he proudly showed them off.  

The rest of the center too has a distinctly sixties feel. A fun pit stop on the way home.