Sacramento, California
January 24, 2014
Every year, I send one of the kids up into the neighbor's orange
tree to pick some of the most tasty oranges you can imagine.
Recently, one of other neighbors (not the one who owns the tree) discovered my phone numbers and now calls me regularly to complain, mostly about the cats. While Katie was up in the tree today, this neighbor noticed and came out into her yard to 'chat.' During the conversation, she casually asked if we had permission from the tree's owners to pick the fruit. I said 'yes.' (I lied.) Well, the next day, this same neighbor phones to ask again if we had permission and I cracked. I wouldn't make a good crook. And she proceeded to tell me what terrible neighbors the tree owners are, blah, blah, blah and I should be very careful that they don't sue us for trespassing. I didn't tell her that the tree neighbors have been absolutely wonderful neighbors to us for 25 years - quiet, generous, and polite. And they don't call to complain that my cats are in their yard. And I'd like to think that they would be glad that someone is enjoying oranges that otherwise rot on the tree. I could ask, but that would take all the 'sneaking-around' fun out of it. |