Night with the Stars                                More Photo Album                   Home  

Los Angeles, California

March 28, 2015


After an afternoon of showing Katie, Dave and Jenny the neighborhood around my new office, we headed up the hill to the Griffith Park Observatory. We weren't the only ones who thought this would be a perfect night for stargazing, but we eventually made our way through the crowds to find parking and catch a shuttle to the top of the hill where we ate the dinner we'd bought in Japantown, spent time wandering around and enjoyed the view. 

On our walk back down the hill, we were semi-stalked by a coyote, reminding me of a joke we sometimes used in Governor Deukmejian's speeches:

A bear jumps out of a bush and starts chasing two hikers. They both start running for their lives, but then one of them stops to put on his running shoes. His friends says, "What are you doing? You can't outrun a bear!" His friend replies, "I don't have to outrun the bear; I only have to outrun you!"

There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that my three companions could outrun me.