Christmas at Met                                  More Photo Album                   Home  

Los Angeles, California

December 2, 2017


Every year, a giant Christmas tree is displayed in our lobby. And every year, I admire it even more.

Here are my two favorite stories related to the tree.

A couple of years ago as we were designing the office holiday card, we were cautioned by management against choosing a theme that was too "Christmas-y." It made my co-worker on the project, who is Jewish, laugh. "Really, that's where you are drawing the line - on the card?  What about the lobby?!?"

Then this year, as we were brainstorming ideas for the employee newsletter, we decided it would be fun to write about where the tree was grown and how it was transported hundreds of miles to downtown Los Angeles to be placed in our building. And only then realized it is an artificial tree. Oops....