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West Sacramento, California

June 8, 2013



It was an impulse buy since I clearly didn't need a second car. But the rebates and the prospect of cutting my parking and gas bills drastically made the Nissan Leaf too good to pass up. It was a blistering hot day (how better to test the a/c and make the decision between the black interior and the tan interior?) but it was really fun to make the decision and drive home with my new car.

We had a bit of trouble charging it the first night since our house's electrical system is a bit quirky but finally figured it out. And it took a couple of weeks to get over the "range anxiety" and worrying constantly about how far I can actually drive on a charge. Still, it's all settled down I'm so happy with him now.

Yes, him. "Joaquin" to be specific. Why that name? Three reasons:

1.  He'll rarely if ever leave the San Joaquin Valley

2.  The actor Joaquin Phoenix had a brother named Leaf (or so I'm told).

3.  And if I misjudge the amount of miles before I need to charge and run out of power, I'll be 'joaquin' home.