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San Francisco, California

September 29, 2013



The last time Katie and I went to a play in San Francisco, we found a great place to park just a block from the theater. So today, when we drove down to see the new Carole King pre-Broadway musical, Beautiful, we headed straight for that same garage. There were multiple detours, thanks to road construction and a couple of street fairs, but we made it to the area with plenty of time to spare.  It was only after we started walking that we realized this play was at a different theater.

We asked the lady at the Information booth of the Farmers Market for directions. She had no idea. Then, we asked the community police officer, and all he could say was "that's a really long way."  I probably should have gone back to get the car at that point. 

But we walked. And walked. Through some run-down, odor-filled parts of downtown with some people who were not very nice to us. Katie was a good sport, only offering up that "this is why I would never live in San Francisco."  I couldn't argue.

At least we have three more plays in our Broadway series this season...which means three chances to redeem myself.