Musing in the Museum More Photo Album Home
Chicago, Illinois
October 5, 2016
A few months back, I was asked to join a project to help plan a museum exhibit that would tell the story and show the wonder of the Colorado River: From the headwaters to the Grand Canyon and beyond. The natural beauty, the geology, the history, the engineering of Hoover Dam and other manmade additions to control the river, and the future. This phase is being funded by most of the basin states and some other organizations with a stake in the river. We've hired the Field Musuem to develop the feasibility study, initial design plans and a fundraising strategy. This week, about 20 of us met with the Field Museum staff in Chicago to hear how they've taken our initial ideas from a few months ago and shaped them into more concrete plans for how to best showcase the river to visitors of all ages across the country. We met in the Founders Room of the museum where there was a lot of work on white boards with post it notes. But we also did a lot of exercises and observations in several of the exhibits where we spent time with ancient Chinese terracotta warriors, a dinosaur named Sue, conservation efforts in the rain forests, and many other areas of interest in the museum. |