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Sacramento, California
February 11, 2007
Our weekend bathroom
remodeling project is now at Day five, with no end in sight.
My rule of thumb
for home improvement projects is 'double the money and triple
the time' you
expect to spend. Now, those targets seem like
wishful thinking.
Replumbing and connecting the new waste overflow was a nightmare. So was
running electrical wire through the crawlspace to the other end of the house
to install
a new breaker on
the panel box. Squeezing the new tub into its space proved equally
problematic even
though we'd
measured several times to make sure we had
enough room.
In the midst
of all of this, our hot
water heater has gone on the fritz and provides lukewarm water for about
three minutes before going stone cold. But
considering there
are five of us sharing one bathroom with one shower, no one is taking
long leisurely
showers anyway.