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Merced to Catalina, California

August 1983



My co-worker Kris was married to an air force pilot and he offered to fly us from Merced to Catalina Island for a weekend trip where we met up with Mark and Bec. 

I don't know why I didn't take many photos of the plane trip, but I clearly recall that it was a very small plane and didn't fly very fast. It was more than three hours in the air each way.

When we approached Catalina's Airport in the Sky, John told us that it was the second hardest runway he'd ever landed on - the first being an airstrip in a canyon in Korea. The approach begins at the edge of a 1500' cliff, he said, giving the airport characteristics similar to landing on an aircraft carrier that is high in the air. Yikes

But he got us there in good shape and we had a great weekend.