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Sacramento, California

December 18, 2019



I'm so glad to be invited each year to this event with others who have served California's governors over the past several decades. I love seeing so many former colleagues and talking about the good old days. 

Many of us are from the Deukmejian administrations, but this year there were representatives from a total of eight administrations - including one woman who worked in the press office for Edmund G. Brown, Sr. in the 1960s.

She shared with us stories about how our jobs differed, largely due to technology. Producing press releases, pre-computers and pre-white out, meant that every document had to be perfectly typed. The office even had a staff person whose main (only?) job was to proofread each document for accuracy. That's interesting, we commented.

"Well, not as interesting as the time our press secretary was kidnapped for two days and escaped following a shoot-out," she quipped. 

I thought she was kidding, but I guess not: Article